Ⅰ Introduction
The main reason for using Language File function is that the process of updating language packs was cumbersome before. So the Milesight R&D team has made it easy for users to quickly edit mistranslated or ambiguous phrases and sync them to other devices according to their needs. It supports the export of language files currently used by network camera, which makes editing more flexible, improves efficiency and reduces complexity.
Ⅱ Functional Supplement
To use this feature, you need to upgrade to version or above firstly.
1. Language modification and export/import are only supported by Admin privileges.
2. Currently, network camera language file export/import is restricted to individual devices. The bulk operation solution is still under development.
3. When network camera is reset or firmware upgraded, the contents of the translated language file will be preserved and will not be affected, and the interface display will give preference to the contents that have been translated by the user.
Ⅲ How to use language file function
The Milesight language file function includes online editing of entries and the ability to export and import language files.
1. Edit Language File
In the System --> Maintenance ,you could find Language File and then click Edit.
Clicking the black pen at the OPERATION to make changes.
At the same time, you can use the search function to search the content you want to modify, and finally click ‘X’ to save automatically and logout the Edit page.
Language file editing: online quick search and modification of translations of some existing terminology explanations are supported, adding or deleting terms are not supported.
2. Export/Import Language File
After the user clicks Export Language File, the browser automatically downloads the language file used by the current network camera. Export the language file applied by the current camera
(the full amount of entries and translations are exported in .json format).
For example:
If the current language of the camera is English, the exported file will be named ”en.json”. Similarly, if the current language of the camera is German, the exported file will be named ”de_DE.json”.After that you can use the appropriate tool to open the exported [en.json] file and modify.
The left part is the fixed English phrases on the web page, what needs to be translated and edited is the content in double quotes in the red-frame part.
When the corresponding modify and editing is complete, you can perform language pack importing:
Because of current limitations, listing all errors at once is not feasible. If there are any formatting errors like image below, you need to check according to the tips provided, it is best to check all of them one by one.
· Import the new language file and it will overwrite current language packs (.json format file) after correct verification.
· Import the new language file (single file less than 200KB), automatically compare the language file of the current network camera application language, check whether the content of the new language file format is normal.
· Clicking the "Reset" button in the Language File will clear the modified entries and restore the default original content. However, for the network camera System Reset and firmware upgrades, the language pack content will be retained, and the interface will prioritize displaying the user-translated content.
If you have any questions or need further clarification about this feature, please feel free to contact us at our support email (support@milesight.com).
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