1. Introduction

This article mainly focuses on the usage and precautions of the Smart Search function of different series of Milesight Intelligent Traffic cameras.

Note:This document is written based on firmware version T_61.8.0.4.


2. Smart Search Function Overview

The Smart Search function supports conditional filtering to select qualified vehicle identification information from the identification data, aiming at help users efficiently extract the required information from a large number of identification records and improve management and decision-making efficiency.



1. Only Road Traffic Series & Entrance and Exit Cameras & Traffic X Series Cameras support the smart search function!

2. Smart Search requires storage media [SD card or NAS] to mount and store license plate recognition images. If there is no SD card or storage snapshot configuration, the searched records will only display the recognized license plate characters.


Using various search conditions, users can efficiently extract the required information from recognition records, enhancing management and decision-making efficiency.

Time-Based Search: Retrieve records based on a specified time range, allowing users to pinpoint vehicle information within a particular time frame.

Vehicle Attribute Search: Search by vehicle type (such as CarVan, SUV, Truck, etc.)vehicle color, catering to diverse query needs.

License Plate Search: Entering a full or partial license plate number will quickly retrieve the corresponding identification record, which is suitable for tracking and managing specific vehicles.

Attributes Event Search: Filter records based on different speeding events or violation events based on predefined list attributes (such as white list, blacklist, etc.), helping users quickly identifies specific types of vehicles.


3. Smart Search User Guide

The license plates image cannot be saved without an SD card or NAS.

Smart Search Result without picture:



1. When no NAS or SD card is mounted, the maximum number of customer storage records without image recognition is 20,000;

2. If the NAS or SD card is not mounted, support save and searching 1000 records, doesn’t support image & video result displayIt is not limited to event types, uses recycle storage, and overwrites the earliest data when new data is added after 1000 records are stored;

3. When the NAS or SD card is mounted, storage capacity is based on the capacity supported by the SD card. It support searching all data in the SD card. The upper limit of search display is 8000.


If LPR recognition images/evidence camera images or videos are required, please follow the steps below to configure


3.1 Steps to enable LPR Snapshot/Recording

Enter the event interface of the required license plate type, turn on and enable the alarm action as record/snapshot, select save to storage, and check the required screenshot type.


Snapshot Type:

Smart Search result with picture:


3.2 Evidence Camera Configuration Introduction:

1. Enter Traffic -> LPR -> Evidence interface

2. Click add button,then fill in the required evidence camera account information and related addresses.


a. Each camera only supports adding two evidence cameras

b. Supports Camera IP and snapshot URL

3. Evidence Camera search result

4.Smart Search Configuration

Different series of Intelligent Traffic Cameras support different event types. Smart search will be introduced one by one according to the series.

4.1 Road Traffic Management


4.4.1 Smart Search


1. Event Type

The Road Traffic series camera supports multiple events. Different events need to be configured separately to search for vehicles records of related event types.

[LPR]: Search all vehicle identification records.

[Attributes Event]: Search for records that trigger vehicle attributes events that are configured. Such like Plate Color/Vehicle Type/Vehicle Color/Detection Region.


a. Support 4 rules. The logic between the attributes is AND.

b. Need enable Attribute Identification first. 

The Attributes detection configuration interface is as follows:

[No Plates]: Search for vehicle records without license plates.


When enabled, LPR switches to vehicle priority mode.


The No Plates configuration interface is as follows:

[Reverse Driving]: Search for reverse vehicle records within the detection region.

The Reverse Driving configuration interface is as follows:

[Speed Monitoring]: Search vehicle records related to speeding incidents.


Speed Monitoring is only available with the Milesight Radar Traffic Camera.


The Speed Monitoring configuration interface is as follows:

2. Plate Type

Supports multiple types of license plate searches: Whitelist/Blacklist/Visitor/No Plates.


All license plate type definitions can be configured or imported through the list management interface. License plates not in the blacklist/white list are considered visitors.


The list library can support 20,000 lists.

The List Event configuration interface is as follows:

3. License Plate


Search records for vehicles associated with a single character or a license plate.


4. Start Time & End Time

Search for license plate recognition records starting from or ending at a specified time.

5. Plate Color & Vehicle Type & Vehicle Color

Search for vehicle identification records that match the attributes of the vehicle in question.


The attribute detection support is as follows:



Plate Color


Vehicle Type

Car/SUV/Van/Bus/Truck/Fire engine/Ambulance/Motorbike/Bicycle/Other

Vehicle Color



6. Direction

Search for license plate recognition records that match the direction .

Directions supported are approach and Away.

The Direction configuration interface is as follows:

7. Speed

Search for vehicle records that match a speed greater than or less than a certain speed. Note:

Speed Monitoring is only available with the Milesight Radar Traffic Camera.


The Radar configuration interface is as follows:


8. Export

Export the currently selected search history. If unchecked, a reminder will be displayed.


9. Export All

Export all vehicle records currently searched. When exporting, select the required file data type.


The file format for exporting without images is .csv.

The file format for exporting with images is .xlsx.


10. Auto Export

Export all count records or the count records of the most recent day by specific time of day or day of the week. Supporting storage of reports via Email/FTP/SD card, etc.


Automatically exported data not include images.


4.4.2 Statistics Report

Statistics Report is for vehicle counting function, which can search the vehicle statistics report within the selected time period by day/week/month.


1.Vehicle Counting

Count vehicles based on their type. Currently supported vehicle

counting types are: Car/Motorcycle/Non-motor&Small/Medium/Large Vehicle.

The Vehicle Counting configuration interface is as follows:



a. Synchronize the Detection Region of LPR. 

b. When enabled, LPR switches to vehicle priority mode


2.Report Type

Search for vehicle count tables generated by day/week/month.

Data is calculated on an hourly basis.


3. Statistics Type

Search count records based on vehicle type.


4. Start Time

Search for count records from a certain time on a certain day to now.


For example, starting from 2025-01-01 00:00

The daily report time range is: 2025-01-01 00:00-2025-01-02 00:00

The weekly report time range is: 2025-01-01 00:00-2025-01-08 00:00

The monthly report time range is: 2025-01-01 00:00-2025-02-01 00:00


5. Export

Export the currently searched records. The exported file format is .csv.


The following is an example of the content:


6.Auto Export

Export all count records or the count records of the most recent day by specific time of day or day of the week. Supports storage of reports via Email/FTP/SD card, etc.


4.2 Traffic X Series

The Traffic Series description is based on T_47.8.0.4-r4 version.

The difference between Traffic X series and Road Traffic Camera is that it can support  Red light Running and Cross Line at Red Light.The description will be focused on these two parts.


1. Red Light Running

Search for Red Light Running event records.


It is recommended to configure the detection region, stop line and each trigger line in advance.


The Red Light Running configuration interface is as follows:


2. Cross Line at Red Light

Search Cross Line at Red Light event logs.


It is recommended to configure the detection region, stop line and each trigger line in advance.

The Cross Line at Red Light configuration interface is as follows:


4.3 Entrance & Exit Series Camera

Only supporting Black List/White List/Visitor and No Plates search.

1. Black List/White List/Visitor

All license plate type definitions can be configured or imported through the list management interface. 

License plates not in the blacklist/white list are considered visitors.


The list library can support 20,000 lists.


The List Event configuration interface is as follows:


2. No Plates

Search for vehicle records without license plates.

Note: When enabled, LPR switches to vehicle priority mode.

The No Plates configuration interface is as follows:

If you can't solve the Smart Search function usage problem, please contact support@milesight.com.



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